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This white, waxy coating on your newborn is found to play some protective roles during fetal development and for a few hours after birth. Another reason to avoid too many vaginal/cervical exams is the risk of infection. Going on your hands and knees is another way to cope more comfortably if you’re experiencing back labor.
I'd like to delay newborn procedures such as measuring for the first hour to give me a chance to feed and bond with my baby. Charissa West is a high school classroom teacher turned stay-at-home, work-at-home mom. When she’s not chasing around her three young sons, she works as an online teacher and freelance writer. She shares her honest, sarcastic, hilarious thoughts on parenting on her blog, The Wild, Wild West, with the goal of helping moms laugh at anything motherhood may throw at them. Please do not admit my baby to Special Care simply for observation, but only if there is a specific reason for concern.
Newborn Baby Care
Express your preferences on your birth plan, but discuss what's best with your medical team. Birth is an active process, so planning to give birth at home does not passively grant the birth you’re envisioning. This confirms that you have gone over everything, and everyone is on the same page, so you can focus in on your birth experience. A birth plan is a document that outlines your preferences regarding labor and delivery. An expectant mother usually writes a birth plan, but anyone involved in a birthing situation may create a birth plan.

Review Board includes OB/GYNs, pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, doulas, lactation counselors, endocrinologists, fertility specialists and more. I do not want anesthesia offered to me during labor unless I specifically request it. Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.
Step 3: Decide what happens during delivery
When you’re afraid of the incoming labor pain, your body’s reaction is to stiffen, which tends to exacerbate discomfort. The tightening of some muscles will counterproductively hold the baby in. Basically, a mother can worry less about pain because endorphins create a dream-like state, which actually helps women manage the tasks of birthing. If you’d like to avoid the latter, a birth plan can be a very important tool for you. Some parents choose to donate cord blood to the bank since it has very important health benefits . Delayed cord clamping, after the umbilical cord stops pulsating, allows the baby to receive billions of red blood cells, stem cells, white blood cells, and other crucial substances from the placenta after birth.

There are things that they will and won’t let you do according to where you deliver and who you deliver with. Under no circumstances is my baby to be bottle-fed as this could lead to nipple confusion and hinder breastfeeding. If supplements are necessary, please give them by spoon or other method, not by bottle. Please only administer an episiotomy if the baby needs to be born quickly. Please do not offer to do one to 'speed things up' for me, as I may be impatient then, but regret it later.
In case of transfer to hospital:
That information can be helpful in guiding you and your provider in a discussion about your labor and delivery preferences. Just as some parents prefer not to find out the gender of their baby, not writing a birth plan is also a viable option. In this case, it may make sense to go ahead without providing detailed instructions. We’ve created a comprehensive natural birth plan template to guide you in constructing your personalized natural birth plan to give to your doctor, birthing center, or healthcare provider. The labor and delivery process will go exactly as described in your birth plan in an ideal situation.

While you may not have all of the same options you would during a vaginal delivery, many hospitals can work with you to make your planned C-section into the experience you want it to be. Clothing brand Kindred Bravely actually has one of the best free, printable birth plans out there for C-section mamas. A checklist-style birth plan template like this one from the Peanut app covers many popular preferences, meaning you can simply print it out and select the options that suit you.
What is a birth plan?
Please offer my husband/birth partner the opportunity to cut the cord if possible. Some women feel that they do not want to be seen to tell the midwife how to do her job, and thus would keep the birth plan to a minimum. Others might have strong views about how they would want certain situations to be managed, and do not want to take any chances that the midwife is not up-to-date with current guidelines. It's hard to know how to phrase things without causing offence, but if you feel strongly about something, I would say it's best to write it down. Episiotomy is a procedure where a small cut is made to widen the opening of the vagina when a woman is giving birth.
You may want one or both to happen, or want it made clear you do not want any type of photos or videos taken. If that's the case you might even want to add that you do not want smartphones brought into the room. If you do allow photos or videos, you should make it clear who is allowed to do this and also if you will be having a professional birth photographer present and their contact information. Include your physician's name, address, phone number and emergency contact information, as well as the hospital where they have admitting privileges. Amy Cassell was a senior editor at BabyCenter, the world's number one digital parenting resource, where she wrote and edited wellness and lifestyle content about pregnancy and parenting.
While these will be done at the hospital, you should include instructions in case you have to be taken to the hospital in an emergency and the birth ends up happening there. A description of the environment during labor and delivery, such as how you want the room's lighting and temperature. Some women prefer having items to keep them relaxed such as soft music, essential oils and scented candles.

That way, you know what their plan of action would be and how they would help you transfer with ease. If you choose to do dual care, it is a great idea to add to your home birth plan the contact information, who you would see, and where you will be going in the event of a transfer. Helping your team know where things are and how they can help with things makes easier for you and your team. This way, there is less chatter and questions for you during a time where you will want to focus on other things, like contractions and birthing your precious baby.
Roots & Wings Midwifery, where she promotes evidence-based maternity care for families seeking an out-of-hospital delivery. No one wants to plan on transferring to the hospital to give birth when they have full intentions of having a home birth. The thought of having a C-section is likely furthest from the brain. Finally you should include instructions about circumcision if your baby is a boy, and whether you want it done or not. If you plan to breastfeed, you may want to make it known you do not want a pacifier given to the baby. You should give detailed instructions on what to do after delivery with the baby.

Grab our printable birth preferences sheet and create your own birth plan today. Writing up a birth plan helps to ensure that your wishes are addressed during labor and delivery. Even when you are planning a homebirth, it’s possible that the unexpected might happen and a hospital transfer could occur.
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